Friday, February 22, 2008

Goings on and other doings

So the ladies went and saw Jaquie Phelan the other night in Berkeley which was awesome. She's absolutely inspiring and funny and quirky and knows her stuff.

We absolutely loved her get up, and it was great to hear about the history of women in bicycling and the bicycle culture. FWD aims to get more women involved in bike riding and there were a couple of other organizations there I personally was excited to hear about.

And in other news, we're having our second love your bike day/potluck on Sunday, if you're in the bay and excited about bikes and girls on bikes and helping people learn basic bike maintenance, well come drop in, bring some yummys. We welcome everyone, but want to be clear that this is a very woman focused event. WE want to play with bikes too boys, and while we welcome your assistance and input, please be conscious that we want to learn, not have you do all the work for us. :-)

Yay! And also, just for fun and because we love Spires SO much and they are SO supportive of us and all our endeavors, You should check out thier show and the first annual Oakland Potato sack races on March 1st:

Now that's some Oakland love.

1 comment:

Fix Without Dix said...

This looks awesome. thanks for actually doing something with this thing. The internet. amazing.